Saturday 26 April 2014

The best books have a happy ending.

#3 The best books have a happy ending

If you read just one book to your Year 6 class, make it this one.

'Wonder' by RJ Palacios is an emotional rollercoaster. It follows the story of a  child with Treacher Collins Syndrome. Children who have this condition have facial deformities.

August, the central character, just wants to lead a normal life, but he can't because of the way others view him.

Without giving too much away, this is a story about  a family's love, a boy's courage, bullying, friendship and being different. It's a story that touches on human emotions in incredible ways. 

Using the slogan, 'You can't blend in when you're born to stand out', this book celebrates our differences but makes us feel deeply uncomfortable about the times when we have judged others because of the way they look.

We laughed. Some of us cried. I choked up on several occasions as I read out loud. And all the while, I couldn't see how things could turn out well for this kid. 

Thankfully, I was wrong.

Don't judge a book by it's cover. Don't judge a person by their face.

Read it!


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